Monday, June 8, 2009

Power and omen

Image or pattern on Pamor, is the master omen expectations, as well as owner of the keris expectations, almost the same tattoo with the image on the keris. Or maybe the same pattern with the image patkwa by the descendants of Chinese society of the dangers of luck as repellent.

In Javanese culture, a particular form of omen to bring a particular purpose and hope.

The form of sphere, circle, curve, or a pattern that gives the impression melted, thick, not stiff, the mundane or worldly prosperity, wealth, fortune, fortune, rank, and such.

Retire to a corner pattern, form, terms of fracture, such as triangle, rectangle, and similar to it, is regarded as the symbol of hope or power of endurance talisman against temptation, disruption, attack, both physically and non-physical. If the pattern is in the form of Pamor, symbolizing the hope for the potency and strength.

Form a straight line lengthwise or crosswise, or diagonal, as a symbol of hope is the ability to avert or overcome all things that are not expected. Pamor such functions are expected to decline danger, magic and prevent interference being fine, avoid the danger of storms, avoid interference from wild animals and poisonous.

Therefore, a true master can also be spelled out artists who understand the language omen, and use the picture as a medium of communication Pamor.

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