There are four types of materials Pamor frequently used in the making of keris, and other tosan aji. From the four, three of which are natural, while the fourth Pamor material is nickel metal that has been pured by the manufacturer.
The oldest pamor material, is the keris form from two or more of the different iron compound. The different Iron compound composition was obtained from the different regions as well. Pamor of this material, which occurs called Pamor sanak.
Other Pamor material is stone or stones falling stars. Use of meteorit for Pamor not only done by the master on the island of Java, but also in other regions in Indonesia. Badik batu and mandau batu, for example, created by the Sulawesi and Kalimantan.
In the South, in addition to stone or stones falling stars, there are other materials Pamor that there are many areas in Luwu. Material from Pamor Luwu, then become a commodity trade between the islands, also known, and even be traded in Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia, and Thailand. They are known as Pamor Luwu or bassi pamoro.
From four different pamor materials, the stone meteor is the best, because it contains titanium material which has many advantages compared with other materials Pamor.
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