Saturday, May 23, 2009

Keris maintenance

Surely all those who recognize cultural Keris jawa especially, know how the administration treated the right way so that the keris as inheritance will remain durable and well maintained.

But there were also only know the techniques and treatment procedure keris is only part by part so that the care and preservation of culture to be mutually incompatible. Keris treat the right as that is done by the palace, both from Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

Keris care:

1. Keris cleaned once a year each, this is just as a party palace, can be done in the month of, or Maulud Sura, or the days that you like, this depends on the trust each of us. Cleaning is good overall eksoteri and isoteri. Cleaning is intended to be for one year storage at keris if we may have to stick to the rust should be cleaned and removed in order not to damage the keris. this process can be seen from mutih then mewarangi and oiling, but if it does not erode the keris is rinsed with water and dried ago back in the oil.

2. Keris cleaned once each week with a keris blade smear with oil free of alkhohol. this case is that of rust on the iron attached keris missing. Type of oil you can use a mixture of oil of sandalwood, jasmine and kenanga or appropriate taste of each.

3. Save the keris is true in the home should also consider a few things, such as high storage, humid place where not suitable and not storage. Why should high storage? this case is that our children do not easily reach them, however, the keris is a dangerous sharp objects.

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